The pro wrestling world is trying to continue in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, but the rising trend of positive cases is making it difficult to put on a show the way it was promoted at this point. Chris Masters was advertised for an indie show, but he wasn’t able to attend due to the virus.

Masters saw a tweet from a fan asking why he wasn’t around at the PCW show despite being advertised. The master of the Masterlock Challenge tweeted out a simply answer that is sadly becoming all too common.

One word, two syllables, COVID.

Masers received a slew of well-wishes after revealing that COVID-19 was the reason for his absence. He did not confirm a positive test result, but many took his response to mean that he is dealing with the terrible virus.


Our thoughts go out to anyone dealing with a terrible situation caused by this awful pandemic.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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