Ever since Matt Riddle signed with WWE, he has been one of the mainstays of WWE television, be it in NXT or the main roster. His in-ring skills are one of the best in the company and he already has good fan following. Despite that, he isn’t the easiest person to understand.

Many people are well aware of the fact that Matt Riddle loves marijuana and that is exactly what ultimately cost him his career in the UFC as he tested positive for marijuana multiple times. It was s banned substance back when Riddle used to compete in the UFC.

After getting fired by the UFC, Matt Riddle made his way to the pro wrestling where he honed his craft and eventually made a name for himself in WWE.

While speaking with CBS Sports, Matt Riddle talked about succeeding in WWE despite his peculiar lifestyle that involves marijuana. He also mentioned how WWE embraced his lifestyle.


For me, it was hard because I got fired from the UFC for my lifestyle and got punished. I had a lot of people that stopped talking to me, like, ‘Oh, you’re a loser. You got fired.’ It was brutal but for me, it was like a filter. I tend to deal with certain things and filter out certain people. There were people I thought we were cool and that’s happened with the UFC and with my lifestyle and everything.

Now, I live my life the way I want to and kept living my life the way I wanted to. Now, I’m on top of this game. Just be yourself and it will all come in time. For me, that was it. It was a grind and a journey and there were times where I thought I should change who I was, but I would have been miserable. The more I’m myself, the more people like me and can relate to me. It feels amazing staying true to myself even if it got me fired from the UFC or if I didn’t get jobs earlier in my career. The juice was worth the squeeze and I proved I was right.”

Matt Riddle is currently 1/2 of the RAW Tag Team Champions along with Randy Orton and their dynamic has certainly proved to be a big hit with fans.

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Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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