Charlotte Flair requested time off from WWE so she could attend TripleMania and watch Andrade take on Kenny Omega for the AAA Mega Championship. She didn’t appear on the show like Ric Flair did, but The Queen was there. WWE also falsely promoted Charlotte’s appearance in Charlotte the entire time and did not stop. This left some fans a bit irritated.

While speaking to Oral Sessions, Charlotte Flair went into that negative fan reaction. It was a bit mind blowing for her to receive so much shade, because she only wanted to be in Mexico City to support her family.

“I actually thought people would be more like, ‘Wow, that’s how much her relationship means to her’. I was actually like, people are like thinking that I’m ruining my career? Part of my career is who I am in my real life. Part of my career is Manny (Andrade El Idolo) helping me and pushing me and supporting me and all these different experiences in my life. That makes me grow as a performer.

“I don’t know if you guys have seen but I’ve grown in front of y’all over the years. So I just – I was really surprised, and like, people aren’t surprised at all (about) my dad. He’s gonna be chopping and Figure-Four’ing anywhere but, just to see – my dad genuinely was like, you can see how proud he was to be out there with Manny. That’s how much Manny means to him and I think my dad also knows Manny’s gonna be the man who takes care of me when he’s gone and it’s like a passing of a torch.”


We will have to see what’s next for Charlotte Flair, but she is now the RAW Women’s Champion once again. Obviously, taking some time off to attend TripleMania didn’t hurt her status with Vince McMahon’s company.

Flair should also be more than used to getting hate from fans at this point, because she is one of the best heels in WWE right now.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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