WWE NXT kicked off this week with Cameron Grimes and “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase cutting a promo for the Capitol Wrestling Center. At the end of their Million Dollar Championship celebration, they launched personalized Cameron Grimes money into the crowd. Fans in the crowd are already cashing in.

Click here for our complete results for tonight’s WWE NXT.

Fans are selling their Cameron Grimes cash on eBay, going for as much as $30 each as of this writing. There are a couple of fans selling their Grimes bucks for $10, but you never know how those could appreciate in value.

WWE fans are all about memorabilia, and those Cameron Grimes dollars were at the August 23, 2021 television tapings, the pre-taped show after TakeOver: 36. If anything, you can’t hate those fans for going to the moon and making some cash on the side while they’re at it.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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