Edge and Seth Rollins are set to collide at SummerSlam, and the Rated R Superstar went a little old school with the feud during the go-home episode of SmackDown before the biggest party of the summer.

Click here for our complete coverage of WWE SmackDown from this week.

Edge had a chance to cut an intense promo eariler in the show, and it was Rollins’ chance later on. Fans in Phoenix chanted: “WE WANT EDGE,” but Rollins shut them down the best he could.

Suddenly, the lights went red and fire erupted from the stage. Edge appeared on the big screen and he spoke some ominous words before the Arizona crowd received quite a treat. The sky opened up above Rollins and he was covered in a “Brood Bath.” They were very careful not to call it a “Blood Bath,” and it seemed to be a bit darker liquid, almost black, than we remember the red Blood Baths.


Seth Rollins’ white suit was soon covered in a “Brood Bath.” This popped the crowd huge and Kevin Dunn had to hit the censor button in the production truck, because the crowd was chanting: “HOLY SH*T” so loudly.

We’ll have to see how things turn out at SummerSlam, but Edge certainly got the upper hand on SmackDown.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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