Jeff Hardy tested positive for COVID-19 and he was forced into quarantine. Many fans were concerned for his healthy, but it turns out he is good to go after a couple of weeks.

According to a report from PW Insider, Jeff Hardy is backstage for RAW in Orlando. His time in quarantine paid off and he returned to work this week. Hardy is slated to wrestle tonight, but his opponent was not noted.

After being pulled from the road the last several weeks due to testing positive for COVID-19, Jeff Hardy is backstage at Monday Night Raw,

The current plan is for Hardy to wrestle tonight, is told


We will have to see how WWE uses Jeff Hardy, because he is ready to go in Orlando tonight. That is good news, but his sudden case of COVID-19 caused WWE to alter a bit of creative.

Hardy was in the middle of a feud with Karrion Kross. It will be interesting to see if they return to that angle. Kross has wrestled Keith Lee twice since then, and Lee won the second of their two battles.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: Jeff Hardy
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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