Jimmy Uso was arrested on a DUI charge on Monday night. This is very new situation and he was just released from jail this morning. Some reports have already come out detailing WWE’s reaction so far. It is still too early for that at this point.

Ringside News asked around about the internal reaction to Jimmy Uso’s arrest. We received a very interesting question in response: “Who has had time to deal with it?”

A tenured member of the team told us that “It happened during the third hour of Raw last night, and they’re taping next week’s Raw today.” That means they were “up all night re-writing the show” for today’s red brand taping.

We asked about WWE’s current plan to handle Jimmy Uso’s arrest and were told, “How could anyone have had the time to deal with something they don’t need to deal with before they address this Friday’s Smackdown?” WWE doesn’t plan on addressing SmackDown until tomorrow. Today they are focusing on getting next week’s episode of Raw filmed in the ThunderDome.


Jimmy Uso’s arrest likely didn’t make anyone in WWE happy at all. That doesn’t mean WWE officials have had time to meet over the situation and work out some sort of plan. It is a very fresh scenario as Jimmy Uso found himself drinking and driving once again. We’re sending out our best to Uce so he can get the help he needs.

What’s your take on Jimmy Uso’s recent DUI arrest? Sound off in the comments!

Tags: WWE Featured
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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