WWE featured a contract signing between Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre for their WWE Title match at Hell in a Cell. That match will mean much more for McIntyre because it will be his last shot.

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During the back and forth between Lashley and McIntyre, The All Mighty laid down a new stipulation. Since Drew McIntyre keeps coming at his WWE Title, he will only give him one more shot. Their match will be in a Hell in a Cell match, but that’s not the only stipulation they added.

If Drew McIntyre is unable to defeat Bobby Lashley then The Scottish Warrior won’t get another shot at that title while Bobby Lashley is WWE Champion. This was agreed to and the contract was signed. Then McIntyre cut the table in two with a sword to stop Lashley’s celebration.


Hell in a Cell will be a big night on June 20th. We will have complete coverage here at Ringside News. It is guaranteed to be a big night for Drew McIntyre no matter what.

Is Drew McIntyre winning the WWE Title at Hell in a Cell? Sound off in the comments!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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