Retribution is no more and it seems that their masks could be going with the stable.

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Mace and T-Bar had a match against Drew McIntyre this week on Raw. This was a match that McIntyre wanted. Then Braun Strowman ran down for the save after McIntyre was catching a beatdown.

A tag team match was started with Strowman and McIntyre vs T-Bar and Mace. During the match, McIntyre tore off Mace’s mask and whacked him in the face with it. The referee called for the bell, declaring the match a DQ win for the former Retribution members.


Braun Strowman then nailed a shoulderblock on T-Bar and tore off his mask. Mace and T-Bar ran off, unmasked, but with their hands up high in DQ victory. We’ll have to see what’s next in this situation.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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