Road Dogg Brian James is one of the major creative forces behind the scenes in NXT. Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg even took control when Triple H couldn’t be there on Wednesday for NXT while he was quarantining. Now Road Dogg is in the hospital after suffering a heart attack.

Tracy Contant James, wife of Road Dogg took to Facebook where she revealed that he had a heart attack. He feels horrible right now and needs all the good vibes anyone can send his way.

I want to thank everyone for the prayers and text. Brian most likely suffered a heart attack late Thursday night after returning from Orlando. He has had test run and we’re currently waiting for the results.he has also seen a kidney specialist and will have a stress test done. He’s always been on bp meds for high bp. Just please pray all the test come back for something we can fix. I am a total wreck but I’m trying so hard to be positive! Please pray for Brian He feels horrible and for God to please heal my husband so he can come hone ! Thank y’all all so much!

We’re sending our best to Road Dogg during this time. Hopefully, he will start feeling much better and he can get past this terrible event in his life. Get well soon, Brian James.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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