WWE was forced to pull their touring schedule when the pandemic hit. The company stayed in Florida for all of their television tapings, and that was a very welcomed change for talent who are located in Florida.

Sasha Banks recently spoke to the Normal Not Normal podcast where she went into WWE’s schedule change. WWE’s staff and talent were flying all over the country before, forced to make crazy travel schedules work. Now Banks has a much shorter commute as she lives in Florida.

She can also feel that her body is responding very favorably to the less stressful travel regiment. That has also helped improve her performance all around.

“You have no idea how much I think that has changed my career, for real. It has changed my career so much because I used to be on the road five-to-six days out of the week and I’m not just talking about like in one state. I’m driving five-to-six hours to different states every single day. But we’re not just talking about driving, I’m talking about flying as well, early in the morning and I’m not just talking about flying and I’m talking about wrestling too my brother. I am beating my body. Now I am jumping into a car and I’m driving five hours, getting to the hotel at maybe four in the morning. They’re like, ‘Uh, we gave up your room. It’s four in the morning.’ I’m like, ‘Uh!?’ They’re like, ‘Checkout is at ten.’ I’m like, ‘Ahh, let me sleep just a little bit please. I need to sleep just a little bit.’ They’re like, ‘Alright, sleep in until 12,’ working out, getting your food and doing the exact same thing.”


“Now that will beat up your body and now you get to TV and it is crazy and again, you don’t know what’s gonna happen. Vince [McMahon] is gonna push you out there. You have no idea. You could have a ten-minute match, five minute match, nothing, 20 minute segment, you have no idea. Then you go home, do your laundry and get on the road again. Now, thankfully that I live in Florida I’m so thankful. It is once a week. I feel like the part-time, my body, it is in the best shape it’s ever been in, I am sleeping so good. My match quality has just raised the roof up. My body just feels awesome.”

Sasha Banks isn’t the only person who noticed an improvement in her work. She was named Sports Illustrated’s Wrestler of the Year in 2020 for reason.

We’ll have to see where the SmackDown Women’s Champion goes next in terms of her creative direction. Sasha Banks will have a much easier time getting to the ThunderDome as long as they are in Florida.

Thanks to Post Wrestling for the quote

H Jenkins

I love pro wrestling and hate BS. These two things drive me. Years of experience in writing, journalism, and digging exclusive insider info for Ringside News. Worked in finance before realizing pro wrestling journalism made much less sense. Pro beachballs at pro wrestling shows, pro dives if someone catches, anti bullies, olives, and pineapples on pizza.

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