The Young Bucks are EVPs of AEW, and they are the company’s current Tag Team Champions, but they can’t wrestle forever.

While speaking to the ‘Sitting Ringside’ podcast, Nick Jackson answered a question abut the Young Bucks’ future as a team. They intend on wrestling “seven to ten” more years. At that point, they’ll have to see what’s going on. Obviously, you also never know what can happen in pro wrestling.

Man, we talked about this quite often and remember Matt when we were at ten years to go? When was that? Two or three years ago? So I think if we did the math, if we’re still going by that, I think maybe seven more years but who knows. It’s hard to say. You know how this business is. It’s impossible to say no to things so, I don’t know.”

If I could do seven to ten more years at this rate and do the matches that I’m doing now and if I’m feeling the same way I’m feeling now, I could easily do it because I feel pretty good right now. Maybe that’s because of the limited schedule but, I think that has probably helped our bodies. This pandemic has healed us a little bit with being on the road less and doing matches way less than we were years prior. So who knows. Knock on wood, I hope I can do this as long as possible so…”


We’ll have to see what’s in the future for AEW and the Young Bucks. Nick and Matt Jackson likely won’t leave the pro wrestling business even after they retire. They have a lot more that they want to accomplish in the company they helped build.

Thanks to Post Wrestling for the quote

Tags: Young Bucks
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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