Our hearts go out to Melina as she mourns a heartbreaking personal loss. Her father has passed away following a battle with the novel coronavirus.

Melina posted an emotional tribute on Instagram to remember her father. She said that he was the best man and human that she ever knew. The former WWE Superstar also wrote about how much her heart was hurting during this sad time.

My father will forever be the best man and the best human being I have ever known in my life. He is my everything for all eternity. My features, my loving heart, my passion for life, my humor, my values, my strength, my determination, my kindness, my name… everything I am and have is because of my father.

My heart hurts so much. I want to fall apart & drown in my tears because my hero, my strength, and my protector is no longer on this earth. He is in my heart reminding me that I am capable of anything I put my mind to, reminding me to be compassionate, brave, happy, grateful & strong.


My father was very loving, giving, smart, strong and loyal. He could make anything happen. When things would go wrong he’d find a solution. If someone was hurting he would make it all better. He cared about everyone around him. And he made so many people laugh. He put smiles on faces and loved being social. He was the absolute best of the best. And I was lucky to have him as my dad.

Daddy, I hate this & this hurts so badly that I physically hurt. We miss you. Please know I’ll do everything I can to be strong for you. I will live every second knowing I am loved by you and I will do everything I can till my final breathe to make you proud.

RIP Prisciliano Perez II 7/28/55-8/01/2020

Melina’s father’s story is a very sad situation. Many people are affected by the horrible virus, and the numbers continue to grow.

Kevin Owens also spoke out and encouraged people to wear their masks. He lost his grandfather-in-law to COVID-19. Owens was also the one responsible for the WWE Performance Center following social distancing and mask protocol..

Our thoughts go out to Melina, her entire family, and anyone else dealing with the terrible virus during this terrible time.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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