WWE discovered one of their developmental recruits was positive for COVID-19. This caused widespread testing throughout the company. Now they have discovered multiple positive tests in the company.

Ringside News has learned that the company is still trying to figure out what to do. People are frustrated backstage because they aren’t getting answers.

The atmosphere was described as “scary.” Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 will need to have their role performed by someone else. This gets even trickier when talking about Superstars.

There is word going around that a Superstar currently involved in a major feud tested positive for COVID-19. It is not our place to reveal this name, but if it is true then it will dramatically change a major on-going red brand storyline. It’s hard to believe that the storyline can happen at all without this particular Superstar.


The company performed a round of drive-thru coronavirus testing on Thursday in preparation for Friday and Saturday’s tapings. Plans to tape television are still a go as of this writing.

At this time the only confirmed coronavirus cases in the company are Renee Young, Adam Pearce, and Kayla Braxton. They have made their positive results public. Braxton confirmed that she caught coronavirus in March and now she has it again marking her second battle with the virus. She has since left social media.

WWE is a public company, but staff, executives, and Superstars are dealing with a very real and scary issue right now. There are a lot of very stressed out people in Florida right now.

The company will continue to test for COVID-19 prior to every television taping from this point on.

Keep checking back with Ringside News for any updates regarding this on-going story.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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