Velvet Sky has been suffering from some health complications recently. She didn’t reveal the exact nature of her issues, but it is still an ongoing problem for her.

Sky sent out a tweet thanking fans for their well wishes. She still needs prayers, but Velvet Sky has faith that she will get through this difficult time.

Still dealing with different health issues. Exhausted from it. This is not easy, at all. My faith in the Lord WILL bring me through this. He hears my prayers and will deliver me to health once again. Thank you all for your well wishes. Lots of prayers needed.

We’re sending out our best to Velvet Sky from everyone here at Ringside News. Hopefully, she can get over this setback and return to her normal life without any illness being an issue.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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