The Revival really want to leave WWE, but the company won’t let them. Dash Wilder’s contract is up in July, but Scott Dawson’s is up two months prior because he didn’t have a jaw injury in 2017 like Dash did.

WWE has offered the Top Guys several deals to stay. The latest one was over the $700,000 a year price point that Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson agreed to. Brad Shepard reports that The Revival are currently rejecting contracts worth $975,000 a year each.

Adding on to this, I’m told by a source in #WWE that the amount The Revival were offered is about $975K per year, per person.

WWE contracts are five year deals now unless they’re special. If they’re five year deals then The Revival are reportedly turning down contracts worth a combined $4.875 million apiece. Vince McMahon really doesn’t want Superstars leaving the company.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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