Andrade’s United States Championship triumph at Madison Square Garden last night certainly had a lot of people talking, as Rey Mysterio’s reign as champion came to an abrupt end at the live event.

The win gave plenty of WWE superstars the chance to praise Andrade, which seems to be as good of an indication as any that he’s doing all the right things.

He’s still got a long way to go before he can think about entering the main event scene and challenging for a world title, but even with that being the case, the higher-ups are taking notice – with one such example being Triple H, the man who gave him his shot down in NXT.

HHH is someone who seems to recognize a great talent when they’re stood right in front of him, and after Andrade’s poor start as a babyface in NXT, Triple H knew that an imminent heel turn was the right way forward – and, a few years later, it’s clear to see that it has worked.


He seems to have been treated fairly well since making the jump up to the main roster, and the sky truly is the limit for how much further he could take this.

Some have floated the idea of him leading his own stable, but instead of getting too far ahead of ourselves, we should all sit back and enjoy watching him have a run with the US Championship. After all, that belt could really do with a facelift in and out of the ring.

Harry Kettle

Sports writer covering pro wrestling, MMA & football. Forever dreaming of a world where Jeff Hardy wins the strap one more time.

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