WWE has a few people on their roster who can’t work for one reason or another. We recently covered the fact that Jinder Mahal was supposed to be cleared on November 1st, but he hasn’t made a return yet. We might not need to wait for long.

Jinder Mahal sent out an ominous Instagram message along with a caption that said time is running out. We can only assume he’s talking about the time he needs to wait for his return to action considering the fact that he also included a hashtag about a comeback.

[clock emoji] is ticking…  #jindermahal #comebackszn

Mahal is a former WWE Champion and if you’re talking about how much money he brought in the gate he was better champion than Seth Rollins. We’ll have to see what’s next for Jinder Mahal, but he’s likely itching to get back into the squared circle again.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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