WWE TLC took place last night and plenty of people made the show. That did not include Vince McMahon and Triple H.

Post Wrestling reports that Vince McMahon and Triple H both missed the TLC pay-per-view in Minnesota. This is a rarity to have both of them missing from a big show, especially a pay-per-view.

The XFL has a lot of things preparing for for their 2020 relaunch. That could have possibly taken McMahon away from TLC. Triple H also has a lot of responsibilities with NXT in Orlando.

They were still involved in the show’s creative and certainly had their voices heard. Vince McMahon is still the ultimate decider even when he’s not physically there. They were not present in the building, but McMahon is still in charge.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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