AEW promised to bring fans an alternative pro wrestling product unlike anything fans have seen before. This included wins and losses mattering in a way that was more like a sports show. Apparently, just like in a football season, win/loss records will also go back to zero in AEW.

One fan asked Nick Jackson how AEW plans on dealing with any problems they might encounter down the line with their win/loss records. Then the youngest Young Buck had a very interesting reply.

“It’ll reset.”

Only time will tell when AEW will decide to reset their win/loss records. This makes sense, especially if they’re going for more of a sporting feel. It will also be great news for those stars who currently aren’t doing so hot in terms of wins and losses so far.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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