Pro wrestling isn’t ballet and sometimes a freak accident can pop up in the ring that breaks your face. That is what happened as Joaquin Wilde’s eye took a brunt of the damage.

The former DJZ took to social media today and updated fans about his status after he needed surgery. This was something they tried to avoid, but it just didn’t heal on his own.

His spirits don’t seem to be broken at all as he remained quite positive.

My eye is swollen shut but i just wanted to let yall know that surgery was a success and im officially on the road to recovery. I have a steel plate in my face now. Surgeon said 4 weeks til i can start doing stuff again. So ill be back at it real soon!


Hopefully, Joaquin Wilde will heal up and get back in the ring very soon. He has a great spot to wrestle now on NXT since they landed on the USA Network. That eye needs to get better first.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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