WWE has a lot of people backstage working on different facets of the show. How many women are actually getting an input on what goes on?

Bryan Alvarez mentioned during Wrestling Observer Live that there aren’t as many women backstage in WWE as you might think. Then again, perhaps you were under the impression that there are only one or two women out of their entire creative team.

“I don’t know how many women are on the WWE creative team, but there’s like between thirty and forty people on the creative team at any given time and the number of women is like one or two. I’m not even exaggerating, one or two. So, that tells you everything that you need to know.”

We know that Dana Warrior has been backstage in creative role. Another female writer, Jen Pepperman just won Daytime Emmy. Those are the only two female writers in WWE that we can think of. So, unless there are more then that might comprise the two Bryan Alvarez was talking about as well.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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