Triple H wears many hats in WWE depending on what’s going on at any given time. He is a creator in NXT, but would he also want to be The Game?

While speaking to Talk Sport, the question was brought up about Triple H wanting to wrestle in NXT. Although he helped establish the NXT brand in many ways, he said that there is not any interest to mix it up with the NXT Superstars.

It is flattering that people want to see him wrestle under the NXT banner, but that’s not the intention of the brand. He went on to say that NXT is about living for the future and not dwelling on nostalgia.

To be honest? No. Obviously when I’m at those events and I can feel the passion and everything with the crowd [I want to], but I’m so busy into these other talents. And trust me, there’s almost a day that doesn’t go by where I don’t get a text from somebody on these rosters who go ‘what if…’ or ‘what if Shawn [Michaels]…’ or ‘what if you…’ and that’s flattering, I understand that. Look, I watch what they do – I couldn’t hang! Not even in the ballpark anymore.

[It’s] Flattering. Obviously the performer in you, anytime you hear a group of people going crazy with that much passion, you go like man, that’s awesome. I don’t know, I almost feel like I get more buzz, the adrenaline buzz, sitting and watching them succeed. They don’t need us, they don’t. And that’s what’s different about this brand. It’s not a need thing, it’s not like Raw or SmackDown ‘need’. The beautiful thing about our business is every now and again, Babe Ruth can come out and take a swing, you know what I mean?

That’s a really fun part of the business and I think you’ll see some of that in NXT at various points with people that have come through here as it creates its own image and persona. Truth is, this brand is more about the youth and the next level than it is the yesterday. We’re looking forward to be progressive, not live in nostalgia.

You never know what might happen down the road as the Wednesday Night Wars continue.

Triple H has a lot of options and although he said that Vince McMahon won’t be getting involved in NXT, it might be hard to tell his father-in-law “no” if McMahon calls Triple H and wants to see him wrestle on a Wednesday.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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