Elias was known as The Drifter in NXT, but his gimmick really came to life when he was given more time and dropped his nickname on the WWE main roster. He also lost his last name in the process, but he never dropped his guitar.

Last week WWE was promoting Elias’ final musical performance. That is a questionable choice considering how great Elias’ gimmick gets him over.

While speaking to the local CBS Pittsburgh news, Elias was asked if last week’s performance really was his last live musical promo. It doesn’t sound like he really knew, because you can never say never in WWE.

Well, you can never say never. But listen, there comes a time in every wrestler’s career, if you really want to take those next steps, you’re going to have to evolve. You can’t constantly be doing the same thing. While I really do enjoy performing in the ring and all that, there’s going to come a time where I can’t be doing that every single week.


We’re not quite sure why WWE would say it is Elias’ last musical performance unless they have something planned. Then again, we never know what to expect at this point in WWE.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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