Hell In A Cell is coming up on September 15th as the company continues to prepare for their storylines after August 11th’s Summerslam event. One advertised match for the WWE Title could be worth waiting for.

Local advertisements for the Hell In A Cell pay-per-view seem to indicate that Kofi Kingston will not only be WWE Champion still at that point, but he will be challenged by a former champion as Randy Orton is currently being advertised locally for the event.

Orton recently had bit of a close call with a neck injury. Thankfully, everything seems to be okay now. Therefore, he got back to action and entered the fray for the WWE Title. Randy didn’t get his chance at Summerslam, but it looks like he might just get his opportunity at Hell In A Cell.

Things could get very interesting if Kofi Kingston isn’t able to win at Summerslam and carry it to Hell In A Cell in the first place, but it looks like Kofi vs Randy is going down at HIAC in September. We’ll just have to see if they put it in a cell.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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