AEW’s Fight For The Fallen is tonight. The event will be free on B/R Live, but we’ll also have full coverage right here at Ringside News. Jim Ross will be on commentary in his usual position with AEW and as he spoke to Chris Van Vliet, it was obvious how much happier he is now.

Jim Ross said that nobody is in his ear during the AEW broadcasts. In WWE he would have Vince McMahon telling him what to say from the Gorilla Position, but in AEW he only has Keith Mitchell in his ear to simply count him in and out of breaks. His AEW co-announcers don’t know how good they have it.

“I tell these guys this that you guys have not worked in a system where your alpha male in your life is telling you what to say and sometimes, we all make mistakes in judgement, but I don’t work well that way. I can’t be creative, enlightened, and intrigued adding all the things you wanna add if you’re yelling at me.”

“I gotta process this information. Do I process the most powerful man in my business life and maybe my personal life yelling and screaming at me on occasion, does it take you out of your game? Of course it does. Taz didn’t like it, Mick Foley didn’t like it. They couldn’t handle it. This wasn’t for them and I can understand that. I just grew up with a father a lot like Vince — very demanding, very alpha male-ish — then I worked for Cowboy Bill Watts who maybe the most alpha male of the whole damn crew.”


“So when I got to Vince after working with Dusty who was real easy to work with and Ole Anderson who wasn’t. So by the time I got to Vince, I was battle-tested. You can’t say much to me to piss me off. It’ll piss me off a little bit, but not like it’s going to effect my work.”

Jim Ross is now a voice of AEW and he doesn’t have anyone screaming in his ears. He is also having a great time working with this exciting roster of talent.

After AEW’s Fight For The Fallen will come their television show on TNT and then JR’s voice will be there on television every week once again. Perhaps his distinguishable voice will draw viewers in to recapture that lapsed fan to remember pro wrestling like they once did. At least we know he’s having much more fun.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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