Jeff Hardy is no stranger to being in trouble with the law and his history of substance abuse and alcohol is also well-documented. Unfortunately, it looks like he’s run into a bit of trouble once again.

TMZ reports that Jeff Hardy was arrested for public intoxication. He was arrested on Saturday at Myrtle Beach and then brought in and jailed for a short time when the above mugshot was taken.

Hardy was reported released sometime on Saturday on a $200 bond. So it’s not like he was incarcerated for long. He was just having too good of a time at the beach, but his history makes this somewhat concerning.

Knowing how WWE deals with these things, it’s likely they will just let him deal with the consequences himself. There are no details as to what led to this public intox arrest though.

Tags: Jeff Hardy
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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