WWE has a lot of places they can use people, but Peter Rosenberg was informed that they didn’t have a place for him anymore. This came at a very interesting time because WrestleMania was approaching and Peter had already been plugging the show of shows on the radio for months.

As he spoke to Heated Conversations, Peter Rosenberg revealed that Michael Cole called him prior to WrestleMania to give him the bad news that his services were not needed anymore.

“Those challenges led to me to deciding to take some time off from traveling with WWE. When I came back to WWE and I was ready to work WrestleMania, those who make the decisions on those things, Michael Cole, were no longer interested in using me for that.”

“So WrestleMania came to New York City where I’ve been promoting it for four/five months prior. Even when I was no longer traveling and they said, ‘We don’t have a place for you on WrestleMania.’ They couldn’t even squeeze me on that [make shift] Watch Along show with eighty people talking at the same time. Still didn’t have room for me there. Couldn’t put me anywhere. Okay.”

Rosenberg might not be on the WWE Network anymore, but the streaming service still features other shows that he could have fit in. However, as Rosenberg continued to explain his appreciation for one particular show might not be too favorable. Because despite of it often being a cluttered mess, Watch Along is still around.

“As much as it sounds like I’m mad at Cole — not even mad at Cole. Cole and I were never super tight. He’s got the way he sees things. If I don’t fit into that, I don’t care. There’s a lot of things that I don’t… as you can hear, I think the Watch Along show is literally the worst… an embarrassment to the Network.” 

“So, we all have different views of how we do things, and by the way, that’s not a veiled shot at Pat McAfee. I don’t think anyone can do that show and make it good. You can’t have ten people talking at the same time. It’s not good. It can be done well if it’s small and put together well.”

“Those ones we did on ESPN were pretty good but even those were rough, and that was ESPN producing them with much smaller groups of all broadcasters. So that’s not a veiled shot at McAfee and that’s not a shot at Michael Cole. Cole has the right to make the choices he wants to make.”

It is interesting how Peter Rosenberg was told that they don’t need him anymore, but Sam Roberts keeps getting consistent invites to take part in panels and guest commentate. Apparently, that’s just WWE’s creative direction.

Quotes thanks to Fightful

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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