Maryse is currently pregnant with the It Couple’s second child, but she’s never saying never when it comes to an in-ring return.

The Miz’s wife was able to come back to the ring months after having her first daughter Monroe Sky Mizanin. She soon found herself in the middle of a high profile rivalry at the same time. However, with baby #2 on the way she doesn’t know what the future will hold.

While speaking to Gamespot, Maryse certainly didn’t rule out a return to the ring. The only question is how soon she might be able to come back this time around.

“I never say never. When I had Monroe, I was back in the ring four months after giving birth. Five months after giving birth, I was main eventing Smackdown Live in a singles match, which has never really been done before, ever. So, if you were to ask me that when I was pregnant with Monroe, I would of laughed.”


“So, this second time around, I really don’t know what to expect because you never really know what to expect with WWE. That’s the beauty of WWE is that you just never know.”

Maryse can currently be seen every week on Miz & Mrs so she’s not off of television. She just isn’t appearing in the ring.

She will likely always have a place in WWE whether she’s actually appearing on screen during RAW or SmackDown, but we will just have to wait and see what the future holds.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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