NXT TakeOver: WarGames was capped off by WarGames match that was almost 50 minutes long. In the end, the babyface team of War Raiders, Pete Dunne, and Ricochet ended up winning the match, but Bobby Fish needed to be helped to the back following the brutal contest.
Dave Meltzer provided an update on Bobby Fish during Wrestling Observer Radio where he said that Fish appears to be fine. But you never know how someone can feel in the morning after such a taxing match.

“The fans gave The Undisputed Era a standing ovation after the match and Bobby Fish had to be helped to the back but I guess he’s okay. But you got a guy coming off knee surgery and something happened to his knee during the match and he had to be helped to the back but he was okay. I don’t know what he’s going to be like in the morning.”
“He may end up being okay but when I hear that he thought something went wrong and he was helped back but he’s fine backstage it’s kinda like… I know how that goes. Because sometimes you’re hurt and you’re fine a couple minutes later and you wake up in the morning and you’re like, ‘This is f*cked’ so hopefully that’s not the case for him because he did come back very quick from the surgery. So hopefully, he’s okay because that would really suck if he had another setback.”

Adrenaline can play a lot of tricks on you if you’re injured because your body can convince your mind that everything is good to go when it isn’t. Hopefully, Fish will be able to move around okay and he didn’t re-injure his knee after coming back from an extended injury hiatus.
But only time will tell in that regard. Thankfully, with the way NXT records their television shows, he can be a little banged up and just take it easy on television to give him time to rest up for the next big TakeOver match if he needs it.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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