WWE Evolution is coming up fast and they’re planning an event that will hopefully be worth the honor of this kind of historic event. Obviously, not every person backstage will be female, even if women will be in every match.
PW Insider reports that Shawn Michaels, Jeremy Borash, and Finn Balor are all in town for the WWE Evolution pay-per-view. This is very interesting and only time will tell how they will be used.
Michaels has been producing a lot of content in NXT and has been responsible for a lot of creative ideas. So it’s likely that he will be brought into the event to help work on matches. After all, they’ve been doing a lot of practicing and HBK could have very well been involved.
Borash, who is best known for his work in Impact Wrestling with the Broken Hardys was brought to NXT last year and since then he’s been doing a lot in a backstage capacity. Therefore, he could also be used as an agent for the show or in any other kind of backstage capacity.
Balor however, that’s interesting. He might be there for moral support or perhaps he bought ticket for $10 and he just wants to enjoy the show. Either way, we’ll be paying very close attention to WWE Evolution to see what goes down.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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