WWE’s deal with Saudi Arabia has led to a lot of criticism all around. John Oliver lambasted the company’s decision to carry on with Crown Jewel, but it doesn’t seem like it changed WWE’s mind. Crown Jewel will carry on in Saudi Arabia as planned — but Vince McMahon doesn’t want to talk about it.
During the WWE’s 3rd quarter earnings call, the Chairman Of The Board was asked about his company’s decision to stick out the Crown Jewel show in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. He simply replied that he’s not talking about it because of the sensitive subject matter.

“We’re not going to talk about that, it’s a very sensitive subject.”

Only time will tell if the company will come up with another reason that they carried on with this deal besides all the money in the contract. But other US companies have stuck out their deals with Saudi Arabia as WWE mentioned in their report, so why not them?
This is a very interesting development indeed, especially considering the fact that Vince McMahon isn’t talking about it. But whether you watch the Crown Jewel event or not, we will provide coverage on Ringside News so at least you will know who the new Universal Champion will be.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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