Shane McMahon wasn’t seen since the Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia where he took a big bump through an announce table from the top rope. He needed the time off too because he was suffering from diverticulitis and needed a hernia surgery — but he put off the surgery so he could compete at WrestleMania and the GRR.
Now it looks like McMahon is back as he returned on SmackDown 1000 to carry on his role as Commissioner of SmackDown Live. He also showed up this week on SmackDown as well which was a welcome surprise — but soon it will be a regular thing to see Shane McMahon on WWE television.
Our good friends at PW Insider report that they have been told that McMahon is back and will be returning to SmackDown Live on a regular basis now.
Only time will tell if McMahon will be back for the long-haul, but apparently, we’re going to be seeing a lot more from him in the future of SmackDown Live.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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