WWE’s deal with the Saudi Arabian government might have landed them in a very tough spot. They haven’t pulled out of the Crown Jewel event yet, but many other companies who would be losing a ton of money have cut ties with the Kingdom in the Middle East.
Dave Meltzer discussed this situation on Wrestling Observer Radio where he revealed how much pressure is on the company and what they might be considering to get themselves out of this tricky scenario.

“The Saudi Arabia show is very much in jeopardy as far as what’s going to happen. There has been, there’s only a few people who could get Vince — you know Vince was adamant about doing the show. I mean they’ll pull out if they have to pull out but it was going to take a lot to pull them out. I was told it would take Trump or government officials and there is something in that thing that’s out there.”
“That’s why tickets didn’t go on sale on Friday, it’s not — the decision has not been made but it’s a lot less than it was a week ago when they were pretty gung-ho in doing the show. It’s in jeopardy from outside forces that are pretty much, you know I don’t know the exact dialogue but there is absolutely pressure on [Vince] not to go now.”
“What will happen? Again, we have the other questions you know Brock’s money, Shawn’s money, the future of the contract, do they go back? Do they go back and do the show in a month because the pressure will be off in a month? Does the pressure go off this weekend and they do the show? There are a lot of unanswered questions and again we’ll just have to wait and see how this transpires.”

Only time will tell if we’ll actually be getting a Crown Jewel show after all. WWE seemed rather confident in the show’s existence though as they continued to plug it throughout the night and even booked a Universal Title match to determine who will be getting Roman Reigns’ vacant title.
But at this point, it appears to be a waiting game with an announcement seemingly coming sooner than later. After all, the Crown Jewel event is scheduled to take place on November 2nd.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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