Madison Square Garden is The World’s Most Famous Arena for a reason — and it was WWE’s home for decades. They might not play the venue very often for a couple of very good reasons, but MSG and WWE will be forever linked.
So naturally, when Roman Reigns made the sad announcement that he has leukemia and is taking time off to fight a battle for his life, MSG was watching as well. As you can see from the image below, they posted a message for the Big Dog that they didn’t have to, but it’s amazing that they did.
After all, MSG is hosting ROH’s show during WrestleMania weekend, an event that WWE can’t like very much. But the venue is expensive and everything set up must be done with union labor so the WWE ring crew does nothing more than to give directions of how things need to be done while setting up which is not only costly when it comes to money, but time as well.
We’re pulling for you, Roman and can’t wait to see you play MSG once again. We have a feeling the team at Madison Square Garden feels the exact same way.

Tags: Roman Reigns
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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