John Cena is a man in a constant career transition it seems. He could say goodbye to WWE for the rest of his life and still work consistently as a movie star/children’s book author/voiceover talent/ public speaker but he remains a part of WWE. At this point though, he’s in an interesting situation mainly thanks to WWE’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. Cena is set to appear at the November 2nd event in Saudi Arabia, but as we exclusively reported he has some reservations for very good reason.
To add even more fuel to this fire, after the rumor broke that he refused to go to Crown Jewel, he jumped on Twitter and posted a rather ominous statement.

 “Believe in what you say, and what you do. If you say and do things just to create an image of what you want people to think, over time they will eventually see who you really are.”

You could interpret this statement in many ways, but the overall impression Cena was trying to make alluded to the fact that you need to practice what you preach and believe it too or people will eventually see through you. Of course, we can’t see John Cena — but perhaps we won’t be seeing him in Saudi Arabia either if those are his convictions and he feels strongly enough about them..

Tags: John Cena
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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