We previously reported that some fans said that Ronda Rousey roughed up Alexa Bliss during their match at WWE’s Hartford house show. We were unable to confirm anything 100%, but there could be some fire to the smoke from those rumors.
Bryan Alvarez explained on Wrestling Observer Live that Alexa Bliss is scheduled to be evaluated today before Raw due to a possible injury. But at this time, we simply don’t know anything for sure except for the fact that she’s scheduled to be seen by the doctor for one reason or another.

“Alexa Bliss is scheduled to be looked at by the medical staff today. Now it could be because she is injured, or it could be that she was injured and they’re doing a follow-up. So we’ll know more tonight and heading into the Evolution pay-per-view.”

It was noted that if something happens to take Bliss out of the match, then she is injured. But only time will tell how this situation ends up panning out. We’re hoping for the best though and crossing our fingers for The Five Feet Of Fury.
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Tags: Alexa Bliss
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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