WWE has found themselves in the middle of a pretty big controversy surrounding their upcoming Crown Jewel event. It was set a long time ago, well before the reported torture and murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But now they’ve found themselves with a show that’s too close to pull out of with a stacked card.
But as the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports “all of the production people” and “most of the talent” don’t want to go to Saudi Arabia for the big show. It is said that the only thing that could keep WWE from doing this show at this point is a call from the President or the State Department and neither of those scenarios seems likely at this juncture.
Since WWE is only bringing around 19 Superstars to Saudi Arabia this time around which is way down from the Greatest Royal Rumble where they needed 50 men just to fill the Rumble match, it really gives you a clear idea as to who doesn’t want to go. Randy Orton has been able to already state his approval of the show as well so that cancels The Viper out.
It was said that many people weren’t happy about going to the first show and this one is just a little bit more controversial given the current global situation. It was also noted that management is “strongly in support” of continuing with the Saudi show. But if you know any production people going over to Saudi Arabia for Crown Jewel, apparently none of them want to go. But, of course, that’s not their call at this point.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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