The Rock is a huge megastar and box office draw better known to mostly everyone else besides wrestling fans as Dwayne Johnson. But at this point, he’s pretty much on fire. On the same token, WWE is currently under fire for their deal with the Saudi Arabian government after the reported murder or a Washington Post journalist.
Dave Scherer said on PW Insider Elite audio that he has a very strong feeling Johnson had the intentions of at least filming something to be aired on the show, but instead, he just sent out a tweet a few hours before the broadcast and it has to do with the current controversy surrounding WWE’s Saudi deal.

“One thing everyone needs to consider is where The Rock’s concern is. I’ll bet ya he thought about it, and I’ll bet ya as soon as this Saudi Arabia thing happened he said, ‘I’m one of the top box office draws in the world. I just can’t be associated with WWE right now.”

Mike Johnson noted it was a viable theory although he doesn’t know if that’s exactly the case. But maybe The Rock was just too busy filing Hobbs & Shaw to do a cell phone promo. Whatever the reason, SmackDown 1000 remained Rockless and it was still a pretty good show.
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Tags: The Rock
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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