WWE is full of guys who knew each other from outside WWE and they have a lasting friendship. This is one of the biggest reasons why guys like the Being The Elite crew would consider WWE… that, and all the cash WWE would be shoveling their way.
But it seems Kenny Omega has taken a little bit of an interest in coming to WWE recently and this was sparked when Seth Rollins said that he wanted to face The Cleaner to prove that he is the best. Omega said it sounds interesting and now it looks like his January 2019 contract might be even more of an interesting idea.
Kenny’s old buddy Karl Anderson tweeted at his good brother just to say “Hey Kenny,” which might have appeared to be a common greeting with no real meaning behind it, but only time will tell if there is a much greater reason for this kind of reaching out.
It will be very interesting to see what Kenny Omega and the rest of the Being The Elite crew end up doing as WWE becomes even more of a possibility. They got to where they are with their own hard work and signing with WWE would take a lot of trust in WWE.
We will be keeping you updated as soon as we hear anything else interesting regarding this situation as it continues to develop more and more all the time.

Tags: Kenny Omega
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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