The 10-year deal between Saudi Arabia and WWE is just getting going as Crown Jewel is the second event in this big partnership to host pay-per-views from the Middle East. But recent controversies have risen due to the murder of Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi have created a firestorm of social media backlash at WWE’s deal with the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia as another event is sure to praise the nation for being progressive.
Willaim Steakin of the Independent Journal Review spoke with members of Congress and their opinions of the matter aren’t too supportive toward the partnership.
“I’d hope that [WWE] would be rethinking their relationship with the kingdom especially with respect to events coming up in the next weeks,” Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy said.
New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez replied saying, “Private enterprise is private enterprise, different than a government entity. But because [Linda McMahon] is part of the president’s cabinet, it falls into the grey area where the administration really should give it some thought and maybe even prevail upon them not doing it.”
Other opinions on the matter have followed suit with this kind of thinking as Delaware Senator Chris Coons advised that WWE should take a look at the situation as well.
Only time will tell what happens in this situation. But WWE might be risking more in the end than the Saudi Arabian government is able to offer at this point. Because although $1 billion is a ton of money over the next decade, the public perception of such an event might have some really negative and costly lasting effects as well.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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