WWE has a huge deal going with the Saudi Arabian government at this point where WWE’s product is used as a propaganda tool to show how progressive Saudi Arabia is becoming. But in the last week, a journalist was led into a scam which resulted in his gruesome death because of what he was reporting on and countless other atrocities are committed on a daily basis which is supported by the Saudi regime.
Dave Meltzer commented on the current Saudi Arabia/ WWE situation on Wrestling Observer Radio where he said that WWE needs to pull the plug on the deal. But they won’t because it’s not a mainstream media story now and it might not become one since it’s WWE.

“WWE may have to [back out] at some point, it’s getting — you know, after today [after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi].”

But WWE can’t pull out of their deal at this point no matter how much they might need to. It was said on PW Insider Elite audio that WWE can’t get out of this decade-long deal with Saudi Arabia because of all the legalities involved that have cemented them in this big-money agreement. After all, WWE doesn’t want to have to pay a penalty to Saudi Arabia as Dave Scherer commented saying.
“They have a contract to do this show. If they back out of it they could be sued and you know going forward you know you can renegotiate the deal or whatever but if they just back out of it and say, ‘we’re doing this on moral grounds’ or whatever, then they open up the company and the stock to lawsuits and you can’t do that either.”
Mike Johnson further commented on WWE pulling out of the Saudi Arabia deal:

“I know what I hope WWE will do is unrealistic and will likely not happen and for at least the next decade they’re going to be in business with them. But I just want to say that the fact they’re in business with this government going forward is disgusting and I probably should have said it’s disgusting since day one.”

As the Crown Jewel and Greatest Royal Rumble events continue, and they’re likely going to keep those brands going, it seems like there’s nothing slowing down WWE’s partnership with a country which is actually an ally of the United States.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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