Joey Mercury was set to work in a backstage capacity during the All In event, but on the morning of the big show, he was arrested outside of his hotel where he was found sleeping in his car even though he had a room there. The police ran his records and discovered he had 2 outstanding warrants so he was taken into custody. Little was known about what he did to get those warrants until now.
Mike Johnson discussed Mercury’s recent legal problems during PW Insider Elite audio update where he revealed that the former J&J Security member was in trouble for 2 crimes of the same nature.

“There’s 2 separate cases. In each case he’s basically being accused of falsely utilizing somebody’s credit card to gain money. There are 2 cases one of which he was arraigned for today and he has pled not guilty to everything. Impersonation, using a card illegally to get over $300, theft all this other stuff.”
“So he has pled not guilty to all this stuff. In the case of the charges that were brought against him today because he has to go before 2 different judges for 2 different cases, they have not submitted an alibi as to why he would be innocent of this and a court date was set for January for trial.”
“So, in that case, the prosecutors are saying, ‘hey we’ve got DVD evidence, we’ve got the security camera footage.’ So they believe they’ve got him on the hook for this we’ll see if that’s the case or not.”
“The 2nd one is a little dicier and that one, the date of the alleged crime Joey was allegedly seen in Florida in 2 different places a shoe store and a clothing store using someone’s credit card — the problem with that is that he was not in the United States. He has submitted proof that he was in Great Britain and England including passport photos, a flight itinerary, hotel receipts — ‘so it can’t be me because I physically wasn’t here.'”

It was also said that the story has been floated around is that this story came from a gym Mercury was working out at and the person who did steal was bald and it’s a case of mistaken identity. This is certainly an awful situation and at the least, he’s sacrificed being at ALL IN and all the time he sat in jail.
This looks like it could be a long legal battle for Joey Mercury. Then again, there are quite a few buff bald men around, so he might be easy to mistake for someone else. Security camera footage is sometimes an illusion and you see what you want to when it comes to identifying a culprit’s face. So we’ll have to wait and see how this turns out for Mercury. But in the meantime, for what it’s worth, we wish him the best.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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