Kevin Owens and Bobby Lashley had a match on Raw this week. As the match got started, Kevin Owens was the heel and Bobby Lashley was a babyface, but it didn’t end that way.
Lio Rush was given a microphone and he hyped the crowd and Lashley throughout the match. It was funny at first but became very annoying and the crowd started to turn against Lashley in the course of the match. Owens started to get pops everytime he hit an offensive move, and it was soon apparent that both men were changing character during this match.
Then KO’s knee got taken down and Renee Young even made mention of how he has knee issues too. So Lashley kicked his leg out from under him and hit his vertical suplex finisher for the win. After the match, the crowd booed heavily and Lio Rush got in the ring trying to hype up a chant of “Lashley” that never caught on.
It certainly appeared that Lio Rush helped Bobby Lashley turn heel this week and if that needed even more proof, after the match was over, Lashley went back to the ring and wrapped Kevin Owens’ knee around the post a couple of times, ran off the referees trying to help him and then it wrapped the other leg around the post.
By the time everything was said and done, the crowd was booing Lashley heavily and cheering for KO. This certainly appeared like a double turn which is rare. If WWE keeps with this direction, it looks like Kevin Owens might be a good guy as Bobby Lashley will be getting even more heat.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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