Some NXT Superstars have a lot of potential and are highly entertaining and then once they make it to the main roster it just doesn’t work out. It appears as though that has happened once again but this time it was with No Way Jose.
Jose, who used to open pretty much every NXT live event with energy and a great reaction, brought his conga line to Raw and he was immediately likened to being the next Adam Rose and we all know how things turned out for Adam Rose and his Rosebuds.
Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio how No Way Jose lost a match before Raw kicked off to Mike Kanellis. This isn’t a good sign for Jose and Meltzer mentioned something a lot of us had already supposed.
It was noted that “he’s done” after all, he’s losing dark matches at this point and bouts on Main Event. It was a great idea to have him come up and he’s a great worker who can get a crowd going, but it just didn’t seem to transcend to the main roster.

“Yeah, what a waste like seriously to do all that work to a guy who’s losing to Mike Kanellis. But why make a big deal over a guy, if they’re going to do [the conga line] they at least need to make him beat Mike Kanellis.”

A character change isn’t out of the question for No Way Jose at this point, but something needs to happen for him in a big way if they’re going to expect any hope of turning things around.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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