Sting did even up retiring under the WWE banner as a WWE Hall Of Famer, but he didn’t have much of an in-ring career. After a tag match and a match with Triple H and Seth Rollins, it didn’t seem like Sting really got a fair shake. Of course, he waited long enough to finally come into the WWE fold.
Sting appeared on Apter Chat recently where he went into the fact that he had talked to WWE a few times while WCW was in their heyday. But Stinger ultimately decided to stay put for a couple very good reasons.

“I had on probably 3 different occasions I had conversations with Vince and I was close on a couple of those occasions on leaving. 2 reasons why I never did #1 WCW always ended up giving me what I asked for as far as it wasn’t just financial it was how much I work. I wanted to have it in black and white contractually I didn’t want to work a certain number of days and blah blah blah. Only a certain amount of house shows throughout the year and they gave me what I wanted.”
“As far as Vince, Vince and I would talk and it was always great and then the attorneys would talk and things would change. But I always thought in the earlier days I thought that Vince wanted me more to undermine WCW than he did to have me as a talent.”

Sting also said there was a slight issue with the Attitude Era content WWE was putting out at the time but it wouldn’t have stopped him because he’s a pro wrestler he said he thought people knew who he was and what he stood for so he didn’t have too much of a worry about that because they didn’t think they would ask him to do something out of character because of who he had already established himself to be.
It’s anyone’s guess as to how Sting would have been handled if WWE would have been able to pull him to the company so many years ago. But one thing is for sure, it turned out the way it did and Sting is still a huge pro wrestling legend and there’s nothing anyone can do to change that.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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