AJ Styles is WWE Champion for a reason because not only does he represent WWE well as their champion, but he can also deliver in the ring. One young fan went to a WWE live event thinking he would have the chance to meet The Phenomenal One, but as it turns out, Styles was out of reach for him.
One fan posted a picture of a crying child in AJ Styles gloves holding a souvenir cup of cola saying: “AJ Style, hi can you please sent out a reply for this little guy his mom posted that he is very super upset that he didn’t get to meet you my heart is broken for this little guy I want to help them out by sending you a reply too to help them out please respond thank you.”
It didn’t take long for AJ Styles to reply saying: “Hey little man, I’m sorry I didn’t get to mee u last night, I probably missed out on meeting one of the coolest fans ever!! Next time buddy.” This was a pretty awesome thing for him to do.
With stories floating around that the WWE Universal and IC Champions might be snubbing their fans, it’s nice to see that AJ Styles can take a few seconds out of his busy life to try and console a young fan that he accidentally left heartbroken.

Tags: AJ Styles
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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