Few crowds have popped like when Santino Marella became the Milan Miracle and captured the IC Title as a total unknown while the WWE was doing a TV taping in Italy. But nothing can last forever and he is now retired and pretty much only known as his real name Anthony Carelli nowadays.
Santino Marella had a chance to speak to Why It Ended recently where he walked listeners through his WWE career. He also revealed the inspiration behind some of his most popular moves in the process and gave credit to where credit was due.

“Yeah like the unibrow was my idea, speedwalking was my idea. The only problem was that Vince loved it and he made me do it for a long time, I didn’t want to do it for that long. But again, I popped the right guy.”
“But in the beginning, I would have stuff written for me but as I began to bring to light the way Santino would then they would kind of give me bullet points and they would kind of tell me what they wanted me to say. They had a lot more confidence in me over the years so a lot of it was my creation though.”
“The Cobra… some drunk guy in a bar in Japan showed me the Cobra. I wish I could say it was mind but I was shown the Cobra. Even the trombone, the best thing I did was steal the trombone from ODB.”

It takes a lot of pulling from different influences to create a great pro wrestling character and love him or hate him, Santino was around for way longer than a flash in the pan. It’s also interesting to know that the most over move he had was actually first shown to him by a drunk patron in a Japanese bar.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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