Most people have experienced the ordeal of buying a new piece of workout equipment and then giving up on it when the results don’t look the same as the people in the commercials. But when Steve Austin sees this kind of thing go down, it really bums him out.
The Rattlesnake was on an evening walk with his dogs recently when he came across a Body Row machine in an alley. This disappointed Austin and he felt the need to express his thoughts in the form of a sad Instagram photo of the abandoned machine.
GO HEAVY OR GO HOME!!!” Austin wrote. “Came across this gym equipment on my evening walk with Cali and Moolah. Always shake my head when someone gives up on their fitness dreams and a state of the art fitness machine.”
So when you feel like giving up, just keep going because you can never fail at trying too hard. If anything, you might keep a pro wrestling legend from shaking his head at your decision to give up on your workout routine.

Tags: Steve Austin
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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