The People’s Choice awards are coming up soon and Nikki Bella has found herself in the running for an award. She obviously wants a People’s Choice award to place on her mantel and she’s willing to go through a pretty extremely bold move in order to get it done.
Bella promised that if her fand can help her win an award then she will streak. She didn’t win a Kids Choice Award a while ago which she was willing to streak for, and if you remember with her YouTube Channel got 1,000,000 subscribers both her and John Cena went nude on the channel, of course, all of their bits and pieces were blurred out.
But Bella seemed serious about it this time around. Only time will tell if she will be able to snatch a PCA, but this is certainly enough of an incentive for fans to pop in and vote for her.
Of course, it also remains to be seen how she plans on delivering on this promise to streak. But that might be worth trying out just to see the end result.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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